7. Yayınlar
7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
Pamukcu-Guven E, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Tanalp J. Revascularization: A review of clinical reports on a contemporary treatment modality. Biomedical Research 2017; 28(1)
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Basrani B, Tom-Kun Yamagishi V, Azarpazhooh A, Friedman S. Fracture resistance of simulated immature tooth roots reinforced with MTA or restorative materials. Dent Traumatol. 2016 Apr;32(2):146-52.
Margunato S, Taşli PN, Aydin S, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Şahin F. In Vitro Evaluation of ProRoot MTA, Biodentine, and MM-MTA on Human Alveolar Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Terms of Biocompatibility and Mineralization. J Endod. 2015 Oct;41(10):1646-52.
Başer Can ED, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Kaptan RF. Inadvertent apical extrusion of sodium hypochlorite with evaluation by dental volumetric tomography. Case Rep Dent. 2015;2015:247547. doi: 10.1155/2015/247547.
Malkondu Ö, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Kazazoglu E. A review on biodentine, a contemporary dentine replacement and repair material. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:160951. doi: 10.1155/2014/160951.
Kaptan F, Kazandag MK, Iseri U. Treatment of bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis following root canal therapy at the 1-year follow-up: report of two cases. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2013;9:477-82.
Tanalp J, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Dölekoglu S, Kayahan MB. Comparison of the radiopacities of different root-end filling and repair materials. ScientificWorldJournal. 2013 Oct 23;2013:594950. doi: 10.1155/2013/594950. eCollection 2013.
Tanalp J, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Ersev H, Bayirli G. The status of mineral trioxide aggregate in endodontics education in dental schools in Turkey. J Dent Educ. 2012 Jun;76(6):752-8.
Kaptan F, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Kayahan MB, Bora T, Bayirli G. Potential of an Er:YAG laser in the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Photomed Laser Surg. 2012 May;30(5):250-4.
Resin composite restorations of permanent incisors with crown fractures: a case report with a six-year follow-up.Ozel E, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Soyman M, Bayirli G. Oper Dent. 2011 Jan-Feb;36(1):112-5.
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Basrani BR, Friedman S. The operating microscope enhances detection and negotiation of accessory mesial canals in mandibular molars. J Endod. 2010 Aug;36(8):1289-94.
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Tanalp J, Bayrak OF, Sunay H, Bayirli G. Microleakage of various root filling systems by glucose filtration analysis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2010 Jun;109(6):e96-102.
Kayahan MB, Nekoofar MH, Kazandag M, Canpolat C, Malkondu O, Kaptan F, Dummer PM. Effect of acid-etching procedure on selected physical properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. Int Endod J. 2009 Nov;42(11):1004-14.
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Sunay H, Tanalp J, Bayirli G. Fracture resistance of roots using different canal filling systems. Int Endod J. 2009 Aug;42(8):705-10.
Ozel E, Kazandag MK, Soyman M, Bayirli G. Two-year follow-up of fractured anterior teeth restored with direct composite resin: report of three cases. Dent Traumatol. 2008 Oct;24(5):589-92.
7.2. Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
Zan R, Topçuoğlu HS, Hubbezoğlu İ, Tanalp J, Karapinar-Kazandag M. Evaluation of different instrumentation systems for apical extrusion of debris. doi:10.5505/yeditepe.2017.40085 p:7-12
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Nogay S. Endodontic Microsurgery and Biomaterials- Review. Turkiye Klinikleri J Endod-Special Topics 2016;2(1):46-65.
Tanalp J, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayirli G. Monoblock Systems in Endodontics, Roots , 51-55 pp., 2008
Can Say E, Karapinar-Kazandag M. Fiber Post application. Case Report. Quintessence Turkish, 53-58 pp., 2005
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayirli G. Calcium Hyroxide in Endodontics. Akademik Dental Diş Hekimligi Dergisi , 48-52 pp., 2005
Tanalp J, Kaptan RF , Kayahan B, S. Sert, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayirli G. "Effect of root canal preparation with Profile .04/.06 & OS ve GTTM nickel-titanium rotary instruments on curved root canals", Türk Dişhekimligi Dergisi , 204-209 pp., 2004
Kaptan F, Dülger J, Ersoy M, Kayahan B, Sert S, Karapinar M, Bayirli G. Effect of calcium hydroxide medication on apical microleakage of curved root canals, Liquid infiltraion analysis.Türk Dişhekimligi Dergisi , 97-102 pp., 2004
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Apical border of root canal shaping and cleaning. İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi , 24-29 pp., 2004
Kaptan RF, Karapinar M, Kayahan MB, Bayirli GS. Treatment approach for foreign bodies within root canal. Report of four cases. Dişhekimligi Dergisi, 33-37 pp., 2002
7.3. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
Sözlü Bildiriler
Karapınar-Kazandag M, Ovsay E, Tanalp J, Dolekoglu S, Ersoy M, Kaptan RF, Ersev H. Radiopacity of silicate-based cements and a comparison of three contemporary repair materials. 18th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, 43-45, September 14-16, Brussels, Belgium, 2017.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Treatment Outcomes in Endodontics. 7th International Symposium of Turkish Endodontic Society, 6-8 May 2017, Cyprus.
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Tanalp J, Ayhan T, Kaptan RF, Ersev H. Evaluation of retention of dental students’ trauma knowledge following a reminder lecture. The 19th Scientific Congress of Asian Pasific Endodontic Confederation & 18th IACDE&IES PG Convention, April 5-8 2017, NCR Delhi India
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Utilization of Operation Microscope in Endodontics. Turkish Endodontic Society 12th International Congress, 15-17 May 2014.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Expected success rates based on Endodontic procedures. 5th Scientific Symposium of Turkish Endodontic Society. 14 June 2013. Kusadasi/Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Pain management in Endodontics. 5th Scientific Symposium of Turkish Endodontic Society. 14 June 2013. Kusadasi/Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Conventional and contempoaray approach for intracoronal bleaching. 5th Scientific Symposium of Turkish Endodontic Society. 14 June 2013. Kusadasi/Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Impact of Magnification on Endodontology. 5th Scientific Symposium of Turkish Endodontic Society. 14 June 2013. Greek Islands.
Kayahan MB, Arslan A, Başal A, Karapinar-Kazandag M. Pamukcu-Guven. New approach to retrograde root canal treatment: tubes guiding Ni-Ti instruments in retroshaping. 15th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, 30pp, 14-17 September 2011, Rome, Italy.
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Basrani B, Tom-Kun Yamagishi V, Azarpazhooh A, Friedman S. Fracture resistance of simulated immature roots reinforced with various restorative materials. 10th International Congress of Turkish Endodontic Society, 23-25 September 2010, İstanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M., Basrani BR, Friedman S. Detection and Negotiation of Accessory Mesial Canals in Mandibular First and Second Molars. 14th Biennial Congress of European Society of Endodontology, September 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Ersev H, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayrak OF, Yalvac E, Tanalp J, Sahin F, Bayirli G, Cytotoxicity of various sealers on L929 cell line and human dental pulp cells. 14th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, 24-26 September 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Tanalp J, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Sunay H, Bayirli G. Fracture resistance of roots using different canal filling. PEF IADR, 10-12 September 2008, London, UK
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayirli G, An in-vitro comparasion of effectiveness of various bleaching agents and intracoronal bleaching techniques using spectrophotometric measurements 13th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, 06-08 Sep 2007, İstanbul, Turkey
Poster Bildirileri
Mustafa D, Yargici H, Övsay E, Karapinar Kazandag M. The Time Required for Fracture of K3 And Protaper Next Instruments in Simulated Canals. CED-IADR/NOF, 21-24 September 2017, Vienna, Austria
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Türkyılmaz E, Arslan A, Doğan M. Multdiciplinary Approach for Ossifiying Fibroma of upper jaw- Case report, 1 year follow-up. CED-IADR/NOF, 21-24 September 2017, Vienna, Austria
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Tanalp J, Ayhan T, Kaptan RF, Ersev H. Evaluation of retention of dental students’ trauma knowledge following a reminder lecture. The 19th Scientific Congress of Asian Pasific Endodontic Confederation & 18th IACDE&IES PG Convention, April 5-8 2017, NCR Delhi, India
Terzioğlu S, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Kaptan RF, Tanalp J. Treatment Aprroaches in C Shaped root canal configuration. Digital Transformation in Dentistry Congress- Case Report 7-8 April 2017, Istanbul, Turkey
Türkyılmaz E, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Arslan A, Doğan M. Multdiciplinary Approach for Ossifiying Fibroma of upper jaw- Case report. Digital Transformation in Dentistry Congress- Case Report 7-8 April 2017, Istanbul, Turkey
Mustafa D, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Tanalp J, Kaptan RF. Input of CBCT in Treatment of Dens İnvaginatus Type II and treatment with a combined technique. Digital Transformation in Dentistry Congress- Case Report 7-8 April 2017, Istanbul, Turkey
Zan R, Topcuoglu HS, Hubbezoglu İ, Tanalp J, Karapinar Kazandag M. Apical extrusion of debris during root canal preperation with Pp36 Waveone Gold, Protaper Gold, Oneshape New Generation, Twisted File Adaptive And K3xf. Turkish Endodontic Society 13th International Congress, 26-29 May 2016, Capadoccia, Urgup, Turkey
Nogay S, Karapinar Kazandag M, Tasli, PN, Aydın S, Kaptan RF, Sahin F. In vitro evaluation of ProRoot MTA, Biodentineand MM-MTA on human alveolar bone marrow stem cells in terms of biocompatibility and osteogenic differentiation. 17th Biennial Congress of European Society of Endodontology, 16-19 Septemeber 2015, Barcelona, Spain
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Tanalp J, Kaptan RF, Oktay I. Evaluation of Students’ Knowledge on Pain Management Using Solo Taxonomy. ADEE Meeting 28-30 August 2014, Riga, Latvia.
Tanalp J, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Dölekoglu S, Kayahan MB. Comparison of the radiopacities of different root repair materials. 16th Biennial Congress of European Society of Endodontology, September 12-14, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. Ovsay E, Kaptan
Kaptan RF, Karapinar-Kazandag M. Removal of separated instruments from root canals. istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry International Congress. 21-23 November 2013, İstanbul, Turkey
Zan R, Kaptan RF, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Yigit-Özer S. İstanbul University Faculty of Dentistry International Congress. 22-24 November 2013, İstanbul, Turkey
Kuvvetli SS, Kazandag MK, Sandalli N, Kiper D, Alp F, Hacinlioglu N. Treatment of immature permanent incisors with pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis: A case series. 7th European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry Interim Seminar and Workshop., March 31-April 2 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Argin K, Kayahan MB, Bayirli G. Management of root perforation and seperated intsruments causing bone defect: A case report. 12th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society , 12-14 April 2007, İstanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Kayahan MB, Kaptan F, Bayirli, GS. "Root canal morphology of maxillary second premolar teeth. Annual meeting of IADR- Continental European and Israeli Divisions, September 26-29 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Deniz E, M.B. Kayahan MB, Bayirli G. Management of an excessive root resorption by using MTA: A case report. 12th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society , 12-14 April 2007, İstanbul, Turkey
Tanalp J, Kaptan F, Kayahan B, Sert S, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayirli G. Scanning Electron Microscope evaluation of the effectiveness of Glyde File Prep® on the removal of the smear layer. 12th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology, Sep 12-15 2005, Dublin, Ireland
Karapinar M. Bayirli G, Rise in pulp chamber temperature in vitro durig use of various light-curing sources working in bleaching mode 11th Biennial Congress of European Society of Endodontology , 2-4 October 2003, Athens, Greece
Kayahan MB, Kaptan RF, Karapinar M, G.S.Bayirli. Treatment of canine teeth with two canals. Turkish Endodontic Society 8th International Congress, 3-5 May 2002, Istanbul, Turkey
Kayahan MB, Kaptan RF, Mohseni-Kashani K, Karapinar M, Bayirli G. Evaluation of Profile O.S. ve GTTM rotary instruments on curved root canals. Turkish Endodontic Society 8th International Congress, 3-5 May 2002, Istanbul, Turkey
Kayahan MB, Kaptan RF, Karapinar M, Bayirli G. Complications in the use of sodium hypoclorite during endodontic treatment – Case report. 10th Biennial Congress of European Society of Endodontology, 4-6 October 2001, Munich/Germany
Kaptan RF, Karapinar M, Kayahan MB, .Bayirli GS. Root canal morphology of the human permanent mandibular incisors. 10th Biennial Congress of European Society of Endodontology, 4-6 October 2001, Munich/Germany
Karapinar M, Kaptan RF, Kayahan mb, Bayirli GS. Retrieval of broken instruments and gutta-percha from root canals- report of seven cases 10th Biennial Congress of European Society of Endodontology, 4-6 October 2001, Munich/Germany
7.4. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
Magnification Systems in Endodontics Meric Karapinar-Kazandag, Rabia Figen Kaptan. In Endodonti. Selmin Asci. 2014. Istanbul, Quintessence.
Evidence-based Approach in Endodontics. Meric Karapinar-Kazandag, Rabia Figen Kaptan, Jale Tanalp, Cigdem Kaspar. In “Endodonti”. Selmin Asci. 2014. Istanbul, Quintessence.
Local Anesthesia in Endodontics. Rabia Figen Kaptan, Meric Karapinar-Kazandag. In “Endodonti”. Selmin Asci. 2014. Istanbul, Quintessence.
Dental Trauma. Faruk Haznedaroglu, Jale Tanalp, Rabia Figen Kaptan, Meric Karapinar-Kazandag, In “Endodonti”. Selmin Aşçi. 2014. Istanbul, Quintessence.
Geriatric Endodontics. Rabia Figen Kaptan, Meric Karapinar-Kazandag. In “Endodonti”. Selmin Asci. 2014. Istanbul, Quintessence.
7.5. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
Zan R, Topçuoğlu HS, Hubbezoğlu İ, Tanalp J, Karapinar-Kazandag M. Evaluation of different instrumentation systems for apical extrusion of debris. doi:10.5505/yeditepe.2017.40085 p:7-12
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Nogay S. Endodontic Microsurgery and Biomaterials- Review. Turkiye Klinikleri J Endod-Special Topics 2016;2(1):46-65.
Tanalp J, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayirli G. Monoblock Systems in Endodontics, Roots , 51-55 pp., 2008
Can Say E, Karapinar-Kazandag M. Fiber Post application. Case Report. Quintessence Turkish, 53-58 pp., 2005
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayirli G. Calcium Hyroxide in Endodontics. Akademik Dental Diş Hekimligi Dergisi , 48-52 pp., 2005
Tanalp J, Kaptan RF , Kayahan B, S. Sert, Karapinar-Kazandag M, Bayirli G. "Effect of root canal preparation with Profile .04/.06 & OS ve GTTM nickel-titanium rotary instruments on curved root canals", Türk Dişhekimligi Dergisi , 204-209 pp., 2004
Kaptan F, Dülger J, Ersoy M, Kayahan B, Sert S, Karapinar M, Bayirli G. Effect of calcium hydroxide medication on apical microleakage of curved root canals, Liquid infiltraion analysis.Türk Dişhekimligi Dergisi , 97-102 pp., 2004
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Apical border of root canal shaping and cleaning. İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimligi Fakültesi Dergisi , 24-29 pp., 2004
Kaptan RF, Karapinar M, Kayahan MB, Bayirli GS. Treatment approach for foreign bodies within root canal. Report of four cases. Dişhekimligi Dergisi, 33-37 pp., 2002
7.6. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Pain management in Endodontics. Istanbul Chamber of Dentists, Continuing Education Program, Yilmaz Manisali Education Center, April 24th 2017, Istanbul Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Success Rates in Endodontics. Yeditepe University, Continuing Education Program, April 7th 2017, Istanbul Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Contemporary Approaches in Endodontics. 22th Azerbaijan Healthcare Exhibition, October 26th Baku, Azerbaijan.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Magnification Systems in Endodontics. University of Toronto, April 25th 2016, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Magnification Systems in Endodontics. 13th International Congress of Turkish Endodontic Society, 26-29 May 2016, Cappadoccia, Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Complication Management of Endodontic Procedures with Microscope. Yeditepe University, Continuing Education Program, April 7th 2016, Istanbul Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Utilization of Operation Microscope in Dentistry. 6th Virtual World Congress of Dental Students VWCofDS. May 4-6th, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia (online).
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Utilization of Operation Microscope in Dentistry. Istanbul Chamber of Dentists, Continuing Education Program, Caddebostan Kültür Merkezi, December 26th 2015.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Utilization of Operation Microscope in Dentistry. The International Congress for Students and Young Doctors "stuDENT 2015", Bucharest.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Microsurgical approach with Microscope. 55th European Dental Students’ Association Meeting. 12-18 April, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Karapinar-Kazandag M. MTA-like Materials. 5th Virtual World Congress of Dental Students VWCofDS. 13-15 May 2015, Zagreb, Croatia (online).
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Karapinar-Kazandag M. Treatment Outcomes in Endodontics. EDSA Summer Camp, 17-24 August 2014, Dubrovnik/Croatia.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Pain management in Endodontics. EDSA Summer Camp, 17-24 August 2014, Dubrovnik/ Croatia.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Continuing Education Program, Yilmaz Manisali Education Center, February 19th 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Magnification Systems in Dentistry. 4th Virtual World Congress of Dental Students VWCofDS. 14-16 May 2014, Zagreb, Croatia (online).
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Utilization of Operation Microscope Dentistry. İzmir Chamber of Dentists, 20. EBDO International Scientific Congress and Exhibition, November 11th 2013, Izmir, Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M. “MTA-like Materials”. Bursa Chamber of Dentists, Continuing Education Program. 18 April 18th 2013, Bursa, Turkey.
Karapinar-Kazandag M, Dent. Assist. Nilufer Tik. Ergomomics with operation microscope. Guney Academy, October 4th, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
M Karapınar Kazandag. How to use operation microscope/Biodentin applications under microscope. Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, May 2017, Istanbul, Turkey
Balto K, Karapinar-Kazandag M. How to use operation microscope/2shape rotary instrumentation. Digital Transformation Congress in Dentistry, 7-8 April 2017, Istanbul, Turkey
Kuru B, Karapinar-Kazandag M. Yurdagüven H. Multidiciplinary approach with operation microscope. Endodontic, periodontal and restorative procedures with microscope. Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, April 17th 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M. How to use operation microscope/Biodentin applications under microscope. Greatist Congress and Exhibition, November 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Rotary instrumentation with 0neSape Instruments. Idex Congress and Exhibition, April 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M. Rotary instrumentation with 0neSape Instruments. Guney Academy Course Center, April 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M. How to use operation microscope/Glyde path preparation and rotary instrumentation with Revo-S instruments under microscope. Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry Continuing Education Program, May 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M. How to use operation microscope/Rotary instrumentation with Protaper Next instrumentation under microscope. 55th European Dental Students’ Association Meeting.14-15 May 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
Karapinar-Kazandag M. How to use operation microscope/Retreatment procedures under microcope. Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, November 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
7.7. Diğer yayınlar
A Dictionary to Dentistry by Robert Ireland//Oxford Diş Hekimliği Sözlüğü. Translation Editorial Board Member İstanbul Tıp Kitabevleri Publishing House. 2018