Prof. Dr. Koray ORAL


Education and Work

Professor                : 2003     

Msc.                         : 1975  TMJ Disorders Pitsburgh Universitesi USA

PhD.                         : 1970.  Hacettepe University Dentistry Faculty Prosthodontics

DDS.                         : 1966    İstanbul University Denstistry Faculty

Koray ORAL

Articles and Publications

1. Oral K., Aramay, M.A., McWilliams, B.J., Speech Intelligibility with the Buccal Flange Obturator", Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 4l: 323- 28, 1979. 

2. Oral, K., Zini, I., "Construction of Orbital Prosthesis Using the Silicone Pattern Technique". Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 40:430-433, 1978.

3. Oral K., Zini, I., "Direct Wax Method for Fabrication of Three-Piece Metal Molds", Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 40: 558-562, l978 

4. Oral K., "Construction of a Buccal Flange Obturator", Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 41:193-197 1979.

5. Oral K., Deutch, Melvin; Aramay MA, Mohamed, A., "Silicone Radioactive Seeds Carrier for Nasal Neoplasm’s", Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 46:88-90, 1981.

6. Chang V. Oral, K., Aramay, M.A., "Use of Acrylic Resin Oral Prosthesis in Radiation Therapy of Oral Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Cancer: Int. J. of Radiation Oncology-Biology and Physics 8:1245-1250, l982.

7. Beery, Q., Oral K., "Vocal Dysphonia and Myofascial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome", Submitted for publication, Laryngoscope, l982.

8. Systemic Joint laxity (The hypermobile joint syndrome) is associated with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 31: Oct.1988

9. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome. A close association with systemic joint laxity. (The hypermobile joint syndrome) Oral Surgery: Oral Med.: Oral Path: 72; 5l4-9- 1991 

10. Bal Kucuk B, Oral K, Alan Selcuk N, Toklu T, Cıvı G. The anti-inflammatory effect of low level laser therapy on experimentally induced inflammation of rabbit temporomandibular joint retrodiscal tissues using scintigraphic imaging. J Orofac Pain. 24(3):293-7;2010.


11. Etiology of temporomandibular disorder pain. Oral K, Bal Küçük B, Ebeoğlu B, Dinçer S. Agri. 2009 Jul;21(3):89-94.

12. Bal B, Oral K. Bruksizm 7tepe klinik, 2:57-61;2006.

13. Öztürk S, Tınastepe N, Oral K. Temporomandibular Eklem Rahatsızlıklarında ve Bruksizmde Botulinum Toksin, Dişhekimliği Dergisi, 98:2; 2011.

14. Tınastepe N, Öztürk S, Oral K. Temporomandibular Rahatsızlıklara Farmakolojik Yaklaşım, Dişhekimliği Dergisi,99(3):24-27;2011. 

15. Bal Küçük B, Ebeoğlu Algan B, Oral K. Temporomandibular Eklemi Etkileyen Travmalar, Dişhekimliği Dergisi, Sayı 99(3):20-22;2011. 

Books / Book Chapters

Oral K. Bruksizm. Tanı ve Tedavi. Quintessence Yayıncılık. 2012. İstanbul.

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