Associate Professor Fatih CABBAR

Medical Coordinator


Education and Work

DDS: Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, 2004.

MSc: Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2006.

Msc: Beykent University, Hospital and Health Services Management 2011.

Phd: Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2009.

Junior Lecturer: Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2011.

Assistant Professor: Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2014-present


Articles and Publications

  • Cabbar F, Turer Cabbar A, Cosansu K, Cekirdekci Eİ. Effects of Direct Oral Anticoagulants on Quality of Life during Peri-procedural Management for Dental Extractions. J Oral Max Surg 2019 May;77(5):904-911
  • Atalay B, Cabbar F, Guler N, Sencift K. The effects of rhBMP-2 on bone healing in overiectomized rats treated with zolendronic acid and dexamethasone. Biomed Res, 29(17): 3362-3369, 2018.
  • Cabbar F, Durmuş Kocaaslan FN, Saçak B, Duygu Çapar G, Çelebiler Ö. Implant Stability Outcomes After Immediate and Delayed Revascularized Free Fibula Flaps : A Preliminary Comperative Study. J Oral Maxillofac Imp, 2018 Nov/Dec;33(6):1368-1373
  • Cabbar F, Burdurlu MC, Duygu Çapar G, Tekin H, Ozcakir Tomruk C. Evaluation of significant radiographic findings and their impact on the oral health–related quality of life of patients with complete dentures. Int J Prosthodont 2018;31(6):594–600.
  • Cabbar F, Burdurlu MÇ, Tomruk CÖ. Does giving brief information keep patients calm during different oral surgical procedures?. Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany: 1985), 1-12, 2018.
  • Cabbar F, Burdurlu MC, Işıksaçan NS, Atalay B, Duygu Çapar G. What is the survival rate of dental implants in Turkey? A systematic review. Biomed Res, 29 (3): 485-495, 2018.
  • Cabbar F, Süer BT, Duygu Çapar G, Özçakır Tomruk C Dental patients’ knowledge and awareness about transmission ways of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent 50(1):19-26; 2016.
  • Atalay B, Güler N, Cabbar F, Şençift K. Determination of incidense of complications and life quality after mandibular impacted third molar surgery. İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 48(1), 31-46, 2014.
  • Güler N, Comunoğlu N, Cabbar F. Ki-67 and MCM-2 in dental follicle and odontogenic cysts: the effects of inflammation on proliferative markers. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:946060. doi: 10.1100/2012/946060.
  • Güler N, Cabbar F, Duygu G. Correction of malocclusion by anterolateral osteotomy in a traumatized maxilla. Dent Traumatol. 25(4): 447-50, 2009.
  • Cabbar F, Güler N, Kürkçü M, İşeri U, Şençift K. The effect of bovine bone graft with/without platelet rich plasma combined with bovine bone graft on new bone formation in maxillary sinus floor augmentation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 69:2537-2547, 2011.
  • Cabbar F, Güler N, Comunoglu N, Sencift K, Cologlu S. Determination of potential of cellular proliferation in the odontogenic epithelia of the dental follicle of the asymptomatic impacted third molars. J Maxillofac Surg 6: 2004-11, 2008.
  • Cabbar F, Nur RB, Dikici B, Canpolat C, Duygu Çapar G. New bone formation by orthodontic tooth movement for implant placement. Annals of maxillofacial surgery, 6(2):316, 2016.
  • Ozkurt-Kayahan Z, Cabbar F, Ozcakir-Tomruk C, Dolekoğlu S. Evaluation of depression levels of dental students. Biomed res, 29(1): 2018.
  • Cabbar F, Comunoglu N, Cerrahi siliyalı kist vaka raporu. 7tepe Kli 2(1) 45-7, 2008.
  • Cabbar F, Duygu Çapar G, Atalay B, Canpolat C. Ramus Kemik Greftlerinin Cerrahi Protokolü ve 2 Vaka Sunumu. 7tepe Kli, 2(2):11-19, 2014.
  • Duygu G, Yalçın GM, Cabbar F. Unikistik Ameloblastoma: Vaka Raporu. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni. Suppl 11,31-34,2015.
  • Duygu Çapar G, Cabbar F, Yalçın GM, Özçakır Tomruk C. İlaçlara bağlı çene kemiği osteonekrozu: derleme. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni, Suppl 13: 118-129, 2015. DOI: 10.17567/dfd.55178
  • Taşçı D, Cabbar F, Şençift K. The use of proliferation markers of the inflammatuar and developmental odontogenic cysts. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni, 25(3):415-422, 2015. DOI: 10.17567/dfd. 81107.
  • Yalçın GM, Yılmaz A, Cabbar F. Posterior mandibuladaki kompleks odontomaya bağlı inferior alveolar sinirin parestezisi: bir olgu sunumu. 7tepe Kli 11(2): 41-43, 2015.
  • Duygu Çapar G, Yalçın Ülker GM, Cabbar F, Özçakır Tomruk C. Oral bifosfanat kullanımına bağlı çene kemiği osteonekrozu olgusunda patolojik mandibular kırık: derleme ve olgu sunumu. 7tepe Kli, 12(1): 57-63, 2016.
  • Barut G, Cabbar F. Alt ikinci küçük azı dişin endodontik enfeksiyonuna bağlı olarak gelişen mental sinir parestezisinin tedavisi: bir oldu sunumu. 7tepe kli, 13(1): 61-64, 2017.
  • Özçakır Tomruk C, Cabbar F. Epidermolizis büllozalı hastalarda dental implant uygulamaları. Türkiye Klinikleri J Oral Maxillofac Surg-Special Topics 3(1): 10-15,2017.
  • Cabbar F, Işıksaçan NS, Burdurlu MC, Özçakır Tomruk C. Tam protez kullanan hastalarda pozitif radyoopak bulguların incelenmesi. 7tepe kli, 14(1):31-34, 2018.
  • Cabbar F, Burdurlu MÇ, Kulle Ç, Tolonay B, Çopuroğlu A, Yasa AM, Beker RC, Şen Ö, Kalaycıoğlu E, Karakurt C, Doğrusöz S, Kara B, Alcan N. Supernumere dişler ne sıklıkta görülürler? Retrospektif radyografik pilot çalışma. 7tepe Kli, 14(3): 85-89, 2018.


Books and Book Chapters


  • Sağlık Bilimleri Örnek Araştırma Kitabı, Bölüm adı:(Maksillofasiyal Bölge Ogmentasyonlarında İntraoral Kaynaklı Otojen Greftlerin Kullanım Prensipleri) (2018)., CABBAR FATİH,DAĞAŞAN VOLKAN ÇAĞRI,BURDURLU MUAMMER ÇAĞRI, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık, Basım sayısı:1, ISBN:978-605-7928-23-8, Türkçe(Bilimsel Kitap), (Yayın No: 5212185)


Oral & Poster Presentations

  • Cabbar F, Güler N, Comunoglu N, Sencift K, Cologlu S. Evaluation of cystic potential and mucous cell prosoplasşa in odontogenic epithelia of dental follicle of asymptomatic impacted third molars. 7th Asian Oral Maxillofac Surg Congress, 05-09 November, Hong Kong, China, 2006.
  • Cabbar F, Güler N, Comunoglu N, Sencift K, Cologlu S.Determination of Potential of Cellular Proliferation in the Odontogenic Epithelia of the Dental Follicle of the Asymptomatic İmpacted Third Molars. 7th Asian Oral Maxillofac Surg Congress, 05-09 November, Hong Kong, China, 2006.
  • Güler N, İşeri U, Özçakır C, Cabbar F.Alveolar Distraction Combined with implant therapy. 7th Asian Oral Maxillofac Surg Congress, 05-09 November, Hong Kong, China, 2006.
  • Cabbar F, Güler N, Kürkçü M. Augmentation of the maxillary sinus floor with bovine bone grafts in humans: A histologic and histomorphometric study. 11th congress of International Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 14-18 November, Bangalore, India, 2007.
  • Özer N, Cabbar F, Güler N. Immediate reconstruction of mandibular defects. 1st International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society, 16-20 May, Antalya, Turkiye, 2007.
  • Cabbar F, Güler N, Comunoglu N. Squamous Metaplasie: Is It A Phsyiologic Prosess. 1st International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society, 16-20 May, Antalya, Turkiye, 2007.
  • Cabbar F, Çomunoğlu N. Surgical Cilliated Cyst: a Case Report. 1st International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society, 16-20 May, Antalya, Turkiye, 2007.
  • Atalay B, Güler N, Cabbar F. Correction of malocclusion by anterolateral osteotomy in a traumatized maxilla. 2nd International Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Congress, 16-20 May, Antalya, Turkiye, 2008.
  • Cabbar F, Güler N. Chondrosarcoma of the mandible. XIIth Conrgess of Serbian Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons With International Participation, 22-25 October, Belgrade, Serbia, 2008.
  • Güler N, Cabbar F, Comunoglu N. The proliferative potential of odontogenic cells and the presence of mucous cell prosoplasia in dental follicle of radiographically asymptomatic impacted third molar. 90th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 16-20 September, Seattle, USA, 2008.
  • Demirkol Ö, Tomruk CÖ, Cabbar F, Şençift K. Treatment of large odontogenic keratocyst. XIIth Congess of Serbian Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons With International Participation, 22-25 October, Belgrade, Serbia, 2008.
  • Duygu G, Güler N, Çomunoğlu N, Cabbar F. “The odontogenic pathologies of dental follicle in patients with multiple impacted teeth in the mandible” 14 th Congress of Bass, 06-09 May, Varna, Bulgaria, 2009.
  • Duygu, G, Yalcın MG, Cabbar F. “Unicyctic Ameloblastoma: A Case Report” 7th AÇBID International Congress, 29 May-02 June, 2013, Antalya, Turkey
  • Cabbar F, Gülşen H, Hameipour A. Peripheal osteoma at the basis of the mandible. 8th International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society, 28 May-01 June, Antalya, Turkey, 2014
  • Yalçın GM, Hameipour A, Cabbar F. A complex odontoma in the posterior mandible with paresthesia of inferior alveolar nerve: a case ceport. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society, British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Joint Congress in conjuction with 4th Conference of Balkan Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons, 05-08 November, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
  • Işıksaçan NS, Cabbar F, Burdurlu MC, Atalay B, Duygu Çapar G. What is the survival rate of dental implants in Turkey? A systematic review. 23rd International congress on oral and maxillofacial surgery, 31 March- 3 April, Hong Kong 2017.
  • Cabbar F, Burdurlu MÇ, Özçakır Tomruk C. Does Giving Brief Information Keep Patients Calm During Different Oral Surgical Procedures? TDB 23rd international dentistry congress, 21-24 September 2017 İstanbul
  • Cabbar F, Işıksaçan NS, Burdurlu MC, Özçakır Tomruk C. Evaluation of Positive Radiological Findings in Patients Using Complete Prosthesis. TDB 23rd international dentistry congress, 21-24 September, İstanbul, Turkey, 2017
  • Genceli E, Güler N, Noyan A, Cabbar F, Şençift MK. Comparison of dexmedetomidine and midazolam arthrocentesis procedure performedunder concious sedation. Turkish association of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 24th international scientific congress, 23-27 May, Bodrum, Turkey, 2017.
  • Cabbar F, Burdurlu MC, Bank B, Özçakır Tomruk C. The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Survey of Educational Quality of Dental Students of British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Education Committee. International oral maxillofacial surgeons and 12th oral and maxillofacial surgery society joint congress, 9-13 May, Antalya, Turkey 2018.
  • Burdurlu MC, Cabbar F, Işıksaçan NS, Cinel L. Histopathologic misdiagnosis of a maxillary lesion: The role of surgeon. International oral maxillofacial surgeons and 12th oral and maxillofacial surgery society joint congress, 9-13 May, Antalya, Turkey 2018.
  • Cabbar F. Surgical treatment of Stage 3 Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Case series, Evre 3 İlaç ile İndüklenen Çene Osteonekrozunun İleri Cerrahi Yöntemler ile Tedavisi: Vaka Serisi. Sakarya University 1st international congress of dental and oral infections, 7-9 September, Sakarya, Turkey, 2018.
  • Cabbar F. A preliminary evaluation of third molar teeth extractions in a private university between 2016 and 2017: a pilot study, bir vakıf üniversitesinde 2016 ile 2017 yılları arasında çekilen 20 yaş dişlerinin ön değerlendirmesi: pilot çalışma. TDB 24th International dental congress, 27-30 September, Ankara, Turkey, 2018.
  • Güler N. Cabbar F. Atalay B. Dentigerous cyst: Analysis of nine cases. 13th Turkish Oral Maxillofac. Surg. Congress, 29 Mayıs-02 Haziran, Antalya, Turkiye, 2005.
  • Güler N, İşeri U, Atalay B, Cabbar F. Alveolar Distraction and Implant Therapy of a Patient With Choliac Disease. Congress of Oral Implantology, 04-10 Haziran, Kemer, Turkiye, 2006.
  • Bayrak GD, Bulam Necmiye, Arslan AH, Cabbar F, Selvi Kuvvetli Senem. Üst çene ön bölgede görülen süpernumere dişler: iki olgu raporu. Türk Pedodonti Derneği, 24. Bilimsel kongresi, 19-22 ekim, Antalya Türkiye, 2017.
  • Biçici HN, Ersan N, Cabbar F. Rare disease: sialolithiasis in the stensen’s duct. 5th international 7th national students’ scientific research days, YUDBAT, 13-14 April, İstanbul, Turkey, 2018.
  • Çopuroğlu A, Yaşa AM, Beker RC, Şen Ö, Kalaycıoğlu E, Karakurt C, Doğrusöz S, Kara B, Alcan N, Cabbar F, Burdurlu MC, Kulle Ç, Tolonay B. Supernumerary teeth, how often do we meet them? A retrospective and radiographical study. 5th international 7th national students’ scientific research days, YUDBAT, 13-14 April, İstanbul, Turkey, 2018.
  • Cabbar F. Ağız İçi Müdahaleler Nedeniyle Gelişen Oroantral Fistüllerin Cerrahi Tedavilerinin İncelenmesi. İstanbul KBB-BBC Uzmanlar Derneği 10. Kongresi, 19-22 Eylül, Sapanca Türkiye 2018.

Administrative Duties

Scientific Board

Medical Advisory Board

Faculty Board

Memberships of Scientific and Professional Organizations

Ağız ve Çene Yüz Cerrahisi Birliği (ACBID)

Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (TAOMS)

ITI Member


  • Best Oral Presentation. Cabbar F, Güler N, Comunoglu N, Sencift K, Cologlu S.Determination of Potential of Cellular Proliferation in the Odontogenic Epithelia of the Dental Follicle of the Asymptomatic İmpacted Third Molars. 7th Asian Oral Maxillofac Surg Congress, Hong KongChina, 2006.
  • Outstanding Poster Presentation Award. Güler N, Cabbar F, Comunoglu N. The proliferative potential of odontogenic cells and the presence of mucous cell prosoplasia in dental follicle of radiographically asymptomatic impacted third molar. 90th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Seattle, USA, 2008.
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