Prof. Dr. Dilhan İLGÜY


Education and Work

  • DDS, İstanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, İstanbul 1991
  • PhD, Oral Diagnosis and Radiology, İstanbul University, İstanbul 1998
  • Assistant Professor, Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Yeditepe University, İstanbul, 2001
  • Associate Professor, Oral Diagnosis and Radiology, Yeditepe University, İstanbul, 2006
  • Professor, Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Yeditepe University (2014 - present)
  • Department Head, Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, Yeditepe University (2010 – present)
Dilhan İLGÜY

Articles and Publications

  • Erdem T.L., Ozcan I., Ilgüy D., Sirin S. Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy: review and a case report with dental implications. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 27(2), 180-3 (2000). (SCI)
  • Ilgüy, M., Ilgüy, D., Güler, N., Bayirli, G. Incidence of the type and calcification patterns in patients with elongated styloid process. The Journal of International Medical Research ,33(1), 96-102 (2005). (SCI)
  • İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Dinçer, S., Bayırlı, G., “Reliability and validity of the modified dental anxiety scale in Turkish patients”, The Journal of International Medical Research, 33 (2), 252-259 (2005) (SCI)
  • İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Dinçer, S., Bayırlı, G., “Survey of dental radiological practice in Turkey”, Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 34, 222-227 (2005) (SCI)
  • Güler, N., Yumuk, P.F., Ilguy, D., Olgac, V., Greer, J. Limited painful mouth opening. Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 63 (8),1201-5 (2005). (SCI) 6. İlgüy, D., İlgüy M., Dinçer S., Bayırlı G., “Prevalence of the patients with history of hepatitis in a dental faculty”, Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal, 11(1), 29-32 (2006). (SCI)
  • Ilgüy M., Dinçer S., Ilgüy D., Bayirli G., “Detection of artificial occlusal caries in a phosphor imaging plate system with two types of LCD monitors versus three different films”, J Digital Imaging, 22(3), 242-9 (2009). [Epub 2008 Oct 24. ahead of print] (SCI)
  • Ergün S, Güneri P, Ilgüy D, Ilgüy M, Boyacioglu H. How many times can we use a phosphor plate? A preliminary study. Dentomaxillofac Radiol.38(1),42-7 (2009). (SCI)
  • Ilgüy D., Ilgüy M., Fisekcioglu E., Bayirli G. Detection of jaw and root fractures using cone beam computed tomography: a case report. Dentomaxillofac Radiol, 38(3), 169-73 (2009). (SCI)
  • Dölekoğlu S., Fisekçioğlu E., İlgüy D., İlgüy M., Bayırlı G., “Diagnosis of jaw and dentoalveolar fractures in a traumatized patient with Cone-Beam Computed Tomography”, Dental Traumatology, 26(2), 200-203 (2010). Epub 2010 Jan 19 (SCI)
  • Dölekoğlu S, Fişekçioğlu E, İlgüy M, İlgüy D. “The usage of digital radiography and cone beam computed tomography among Turkish dentists”, Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 40(6), 379-84 (2011) (SCI)
  • Fisekcioglu E, Dolekoglu S, Ilguy D. “Idiopathic gingival hyperplasia: Clinical features and differential diagnosis”, Journal of Canadian Dental Association, 77, b148 (2011) (SCI)
  • Tanalp J., Ilguy D., Dikbas .I, Oktay I. Demographic profile and future expectations of students enrolled in a Turkish private dental school. Journal of Dental Education, 76(6),800-9 (2012). (SCI)
  • Ilgüy D, Ilgüy M, E Fisekcioglu, Dölekoğlu S. Assessment Of The Stylohyoıd Chaın Wıth Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Iranian Journal of Radiology. 2012;10(1):21-6. (SCI)
  • Ilgüy D, Ilgüy M, E Fisekcioglu, Ersan N, Tanalp J, Dölekoğlu S. Assessment Of Root Canal Treatment Outcomes Performed By Dental Students: Results After 2 Years. J Dent Educ 2013;77(4):502-9. (SCI)
  • Fişekçioğlu E., Dölekoğlu S., İlgüy M., Ersan N., İlgüy D., “In vitro detection of root fractures with cbct. Iranian Journal of Radiology 2013 (accepted for publication) (SCI)
  • Ilgüy D., İlgüy M., Ersan N., Dölekoğlu S., Fişekçioğlu E., “Measurements of the foramen magnum and mandible in relation to sex using cbct”. Journal of Forensic Science 2013 (accepted for publication). (SCI)
  • Ilgüy M, Kursoğlu P, İlgüy D. Three Cases Of Elongated Coronoid Process With Different Presentations. Iranian Journal of Radiology 2013 (accepted for publication) (SCI)
  • Ilgüy D., Ilgüy M., Dölekoğlu S., E Fisekcioglu. Evaluation Of Posterior Superior Alveolar Artery And Maxillary Sinus With Cbct. Brazilian Oral Research, 2013 (accepted for publication). (SCI)
  • Aras, Y., Turan, N., Çevik, Y., İlgüy, D., Özay G., “Dental Health levels of patients Who Applied to İstanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry,” International Proceedings Division, 3-5 (1997).
  • Bayraktar, G., Özcan, Y., İlgüy, D., Külekçi, G., “Microbiological assessment of caries risk in patients with cast-partial dentures,” Balkan Journal of Stomatology, 6, 91-94 (2002).
  • İlgüy, D., Şirin, Ş., “Salivary effects of long term lithium theraphy on manic-depressive patients,” Balkan Journal of Stomatology, 8, 1-2 (2004).
  • İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Bayırlı, G., “The size of dental pulp chamber in adult diabetic patients,” Oral Health and Dental Management in the Black Sea Countries,3, 38-41 (2004).
  • İlgüy, M., İlgüy, D., Dinçer, S., Bayırlı, G., “The Frequency of The Patients with Cardiovascular and Endocrine Diseases in A Dental Faculty,” Health and Dental Management in the Black Sea Countries, 1,3-8 (2005).
  • İlgüy, M., İlgüy, D., Dinçer, S., Bayırlı, G., “Measuring patient satisfaction in a Dental faculty: A pilot study,” Balkan Journal of Stomatology, 2006; 10:1-4.
  • Tanalp ,J., Dikbaş, İ.,Sert, S., Kaptan, F., İlgüy D, Karapınar, M., Bayırlı G. Evaluation of the prevelance of odontogenic sinüs tract and possible relationships with overlying restorations in patients referred for endodontic treatment. Balkan Journal of Stomatology, 2006; 10:1-7.
  • Ilgüy, M., Ilgüy, D., Bayirli, G. Dental lesions in adult diabetic patients. N Y State Dent J. Jan;73(1):58-60 (2007).
  • İlgüy D., İlgüy M., Dölekoğlu S., Fişekçioğlu E., “Radioopacities of the cervical region on the panoramic radiographs: Report of three cases”, Balkan Journal of Stomatology, 15, 105-8 (2011).
  • Bayırlı, G., Şirin, Ş., Gürbüz, D., Işkın (İlgüy) D., “Çenelerdeki radyoopak görüntüler,” Dişhekimliği Dergisi, 14, 59-64 (1993).
  • İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Bayırlı, G., “D-Hipervitaminozu ve Diş Anomalileri Olgu Bildirisi,” Quintessence Türkçe,3, 61-63 (2003).
  • İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Özer, T., Müezzinoğlu, A., Bayırlı, G., “Dişhekimi korkusuna neden olan faktörler ve korku seviyelerinin ölçülmesi,” Türk Dişhekimliği Dergisi, 55, 39-42 (2004).
  • Güler, N., İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., “Trigeminal sinirin maksiller ve oftalmik dallarında Herpes Zoster,” Selçuk Üniversitesi Dişhek. Fak. Derg, 13 (2), 44-47 (2003).
  • Ozel, E., İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., “Fissürlü dil : 3 Olgu raporu,” Türk Diş Hekimliği Dergisi, 57,11 (2004).
  • İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Bayırlı, G., “İnvajinasyon: Etyoloji, sınıflandırma, teşhis ve tedavi,” Akademik Dental Dişhekimliği Dergisi, 24, 14-19 (2005).
  • İlgüy, D., Bayırlı, G., “Ağızda Görülen Mantar Enfeksiyonları,” Türk Dişhekimliği Dergisi, 61,170-174 (2005).
  • İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Dinçer, S., Bayırlı, G., “Dişhekimliğinde Alerjik Hasta Sıklığı,” Türk Dişhekimliği Dergisi,60,109-112 (2005).
  • Bayırlı, G., İlgüy, D., “Endodontik Tedavi Sırasında Sodyum hipokloridin Dişetine Zararı,” 7 Tepe Klinik Dergisi, 1, 29-31 (2005).
  • Dinçer, S., İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Bayırlı, G., “Erişkinlerde Temporomandibular Eklem Rahatsızlıklarına Rastlanma sıklığı,” Akademik Dental Dişhekimliği Dergisi, 25,58-62 (2005).
  • İlgüy, D., İlgüy, M., Dinçer, S., Bayırlı, G., “Kalp Hastalarında Diş Çürüğü ve Tedavi Planlaması” Türk Diş Hekimliği Dergisi, 13 (65), 178-180 (2006).
  • Dölekoğlu S., İlgüy D., Güler N., Sav A., Bayırlı G., “Dilde Rasemoz Hemanjiom: Olgu raporu”, Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2), 26-28 (2008).
  • Fişekçioğlu E., İlgüy D., Dölekoğlu S., “Dental volumetrik tomografi ile kondil kırığının değerlendirilmesi: İki olgu nedeniyle”, Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 70-74 (2011).
  • Fişekçioğlu E, İlgüy D. İdiyopatik trombositopenik purpura: bir olgu sunumu. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı 1, Cilt 3, 18-20, 2011.
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